Phil Hulett And Friends

5 Unfounded Fears for Germophobes



Germophobes Listen Up! [19:47] Have we become a nation of germophobes? Phil Hulett asks Dr. Michael Z. Kurtz about common germ fears like handshakes, public toilets, drinking fountains, and even open sores! Are any of these surfaces dirty enough to make you sick? Listen and learn. Movie Marvel [39:48] There isn't much happening at the movies this weekend. Manny the Movie Guy joins the friends to review a little art house flick about a bunch of stones. Avengers something. Anyway, Manny's seen it and promises not to give any spoilers. On a side note, will Manny put on his boots and go to Stagecoach or will he attend Sleaze Night at the White Party? Hop on the Train Kelly Bennett co-hosts with Phil today. Leading off her list of stories, the sex doll brothel. Is it legal? Is it popular? Can you buy a franchise? Then there's the guy who teaches you how to beat a lie detector. Phil thinks he knows how. Have you heard the news? There's a zombie uprising in the California desert and people are trapped in their homes