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Interview with Moby



Interview with Grammy nominated musician Moby on his music, giving back and the end of the world.  Moby's website: http://moby.com/ Little Pine Restaurant: http://www.littlepinerestaurant.com/ Issue #26: https://issuu.com/arthivemagazine/docs/issuuarthive26 Guardian article on Moby predicting the iPhone: https://www.theguardian.com/music/2018/feb/25/musician-activist-soothsayer-the-many-talents-of-moby Moby's album- Everything was beautiful, and nothing hurt order of songs in the episode: 1. Motherless child 2. Falling rain and light 3. A dark cloud is coming 4. Welcome to hard times 5. The waste of suns 6. Motherless child  Album artwork by Matthew Grabelsky + "Like a Motherless Child": http://grabelsky.com/about.html