Terrible Book Club

Episode 55 - The Adventures of Lord Iffy Boatrace by Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden *Patron's Choice*



Our Patron Greg chose this book as his once-per-year reward! Check out our Patreon here to get this and other rewards for yourself. In addition to our usual barnyard language, Content Warnings abound this week: abuse/assault, murder, racism, rape, sex/pornography, sexism, and violence. Our patron Greg really made us work for our Patreon dollars this week. Bruce Dickinson sings for Iron Maiden but is also a pilot, professional fencer, and even rescues sea turtles occasionally - a true renaissance man. In 1991, he decided to add "author" to his already impressive resume with ... mixed results. This book is intentionally farcical, so the situations are intended to be shocking and graphic in an effort to critique the rich and powerful in Britain in the 1990s. The writing itself is actually fairly decent, but conceptually it just ends up being tone-deaf finger-pointing.