Behave Yourself

#20 - Meet Bruce Rigal: the most interesting career in finance



Bruce Rigal has indeed lived in interesting times. In a glittering career in Finance spanning over 20 years, Bruce rose to become Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Global Banking at Deutsche Bank. In this time at DB, he oversaw the daily operations of the bank; from Asset Finance and Leasing to Commercial Real Estate, from Debt and Equity Capital Markets to Mergers & Acquisitions the list goes on... As well as this, he was also strapped into a front row seat for the worst financial crisis the world had ever seen. Coming through this period of, eh, turbulence, Bruce has been on a mission to find the meaning in the madness. His recent efforts to fully understand human behaviour have shattered those neatly drawn up assumptions of rationality in neoclassical economics that were drilled into him during his MBA at University of Chicago Business School in the late 1980s. Behave Yourself is only too proud to give you the full story behind the man, the legend that is Mr Bruce Rigal.