Beery Good Entertainment

Dragons & Redshirts Ep 4 (Obsession?)



In this stream, I was specifically asked about the current books that I was reading. I must admit, I gave a lackluster answer. Me, the queen of description can't talk about books I read, yet I can navigate my way through complicated scientific papers describing immunity, microgravity experiments, or genetic shifts in wheat. I don't think this is a problem in my expression, but rather my emotions while actively speaking. The best thing for me to do in this case, is to go back and try it again. Inevitably I do get better at it. So I will make you this promise. The next Valheim stream, I will go back to the subject and describe the books I am reading in much more detail than just "It's a good fantasy." For now, come and join me in Dragons & Red Shirts where I give you a look in at my writing by playing games and then writing about what happens during that game. Writers also need to challenge their own views and ways of thinking, much as scientists do. This gives us "the whole picture" as it were. So this week