Reloading The Canon

Episode 33- The Last Episode



So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen...yes folks, it is our last episode, coming (somewhat) unexpectedly, I admit. But to make it up for you, we discuss two films: Both the promised Gerry, and something that has been brought up from almost episode one: I Am Here....Now by one Mr. Neil Breen. Plus, we do a complete rundown of every film we've discussed to confirm/deny its canon status (with a couple of reevaluations), and instead of recommendations, we briefly mention about 30 films we were considering for future episodes that will not happen. It's a lot of talking, which is appropriate for our finale. P.S. The archives of the earlier episodes will be going down at the end of the month. If you want copies of old episodes after that, email us at Thank you all for your support throughout the podcast's life. Intro song is "Shit Luck" by Modest Mouse. Please don't sue me Isaac Brock.