Cloud Streaks

16. Discussing How Stress Affects Cognitive Function. Also mentioning Ryan Holiday, Martin Seligman



This chat was inspired by the "Thinking about poverty and thinking" by Ollie Lovell. One of the main research pieces the blog mentions is "Poverty Impedes Cognitive Function" We also touch on: - The Obstacle Is The Way: Ryan Holiday - Martin Seligman: Post Traumatic Growth - Viktor Frankl: Man’s search for meaning. - Nietzsche: "He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." - Stephen Covey: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Scarcity vs Abundance mindset: Scarcity, Mullainathan & Eldar (2013) - Arianna Huffington: "For machines downtime is a bug, for human's it's a feature." - Dr. Hans Selye - The biology of stress Contact us at