#soooboca Boca Raton Lifestyle

010: Bob Burg - How to Be a Go Giver



Bob Burg is the author of the Go-Giver series, Endless Referrals, speaker, motivator and podcast host. Listen in and watch as we discuss his presentation today at the Downtown Business Alliance for Boca Raton and a business networking event at the historic Addison in Boca Raton. Bob shared his five laws for stratospheric success and shifting from an " I focus to a you focus" mentality along with authenticity in your business and life. We had a great time chatting about business, the Go-Giver principles and of course food! Hope you enjoy, like and share.PS...I have followed Bob Burg since his first book Endless Referrals and the Go-Givers was a game changer for me personally and in my real estate business and my life. If you are looking to make some rewarding changes in life I highly suggest you follow Bob and his philosophy... trust me you will not be disappointed. Just an FYI...The Go-Giver Influencer is coming out on April 10, 2018 see link below to pre order I can hardly wait. http://bit.ly/thegogive