Disruptor Series

Tito Melega is Disrupting The Coronavirus



While the government and scientists can't agree when we can open the economy back up, one thing everyone agrees upon is that covering your nose and mouth with a mask helps keep you and others healthy. The problem? There's not enough quality masks. Enter Tito Melega. Tito's a creative director, art director, content producer and now, a mask entrepreneur. He's applying his "Ideas That Do" approach by working with a small team of collaborators from places like Germany and Nashville to use a network of 3-D printers to make a quality mask available to everyone with his new initiative: AMaskForAll.com. Hear the story -- only 4 weeks in the making -- and how it's disrupting the wrath of the Coronavirus with good old-fashioned human ingenuity and human cooperation. Only on the Disruptor Series Podcast.  Podcast Credits Host - Rob Schwartz  Intro/Outro Voiced by Sophia Barnett Executive Producer - Sean Riojas Audio Engineer/Sound Design - Corey Bauman