Wantcast: The Women Against Negative Talk Podcast

023: On Confronting Fear, Fighting The Good Fight + The Return Of Chivalry with Danielle Beinstein



For this episode, I wanted to talk what's going on post-election - but I didn't want to simply have a conversation about how scary things are over and over. I think that we've all had enough of that. I wanted to have an in-depth conversation with someone who could speak to the nitty-gritty details and logistics of it all way more than I could...someone who (preferably) had an inside look into politics, and also (preferably) was in the business of mindfulness. Because in order to change minds and change lives, we can't speak in vague terms. We need to be able to articulate why exactly things are as terrifying as they are, and we need to be solution oriented and determined to mobilize in a way that works for us. I knew that Danielle Beinstein would be the perfect person to have this kind of conversation with. Dani is a meditation teacher and astrologer in Los Angeles - and go figure, also has a background in politics! You might remember her from Episode Two, which is still one of the most downloaded episodes...