Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

How to Make My Ex Husband Put in More Effort with Our Children



During this call, Crystal chats with Sarah. After joining the call, Sarah tells Crystal that she feels as though her 'father wound' has manifested itself into her relationships and the way she views men, and that she's "secretly" upset with her dad. It's a secret, she says, more so to herself, as she never wants to deal with the feelings around it and often pushes them down. She shares that she's never met her father and has only spoken to him one time on the phone when she was 18-years-old; a conversation that left her disappointed. As Sarah opens up, Crystal learns that her home life growing up with her mom was an often oppressed environment. Her mother had bipolar disorder. Anytime Sarah spoke about anything that upset her, including her feelings around her absentee father, it triggered her mother into an episode of mania or depression. With her mother's mental health issues and struggle with drug abuse, her two older siblings were put up for adoption as small children before Sarah was born, something