Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

No More Shame



No More Shame - No More Shame is a conversation between Crystal and Gwen, a 59-year-old woman who worked for 35 years handling death penalty cases. After an extremely tough year, she had a meltdown and quit her job and moved out of state to be with her girlfriend of 10 years. Once she moved in, the relationship immediately began to tank, and now she is feeling lost. She has no job, used up her savings, and doesn’t know what to do. She’s also embarrassed because she’s finally admitted to herself that she is gay, and that she’s never really done anything irresponsible in her life and as a result, its all backfired. The guilt and shame has been overwhelming her. Crystal helped Gwen see that she has choices, but she can’t see them because she’s too busy beating herself up so badly. Crystal has her write a letter to her ex-lover with all the “should have been’s” and “could have been’s”, and asked Gwen to it email to Crystal. Crystal and Gwen also make plans to have a burning ritual to try to open up some spa