
129: Conspiracy Theories and Safety



Public mass shootings are all too common in our society. Conspiracy theories have become the gasoline on the fire of mass violence toward Jews, racial and ethnic minorities and yes, even Freemasons. Eric and Jason are joined by preparedness expert Bro. Adam Tager to talk about how to keep lodges safe during these difficult times. Adam’s Links: Ready.gov: Federal preparedness website filled with tips, tricks, and templates for a number of different threat types. Active Shooter Preparedness: Two-page FEMA guide on prepping for an active shooter. Active Shooter Response Guide: DHS guide for planning the response to an active shooter. Active Shooter Training: Free FEMA online active shooter training Other tips: Locate all points of entry and/or exit in your Lodge building Assign someone to lock the door of the building before going into the meeting Create a plan for dealing with a hostile intruder and practice the plan Contact your local police department to see if they do physical security walkthroughs