Get A Clue, Nancy Drew

GACND TBL0102: The Big Lie, Issues 1 & 2



IT'S A SUPER SPECIAL EPISODE! This week, we're reading the new Dynamite comic series from Anthony del Col -- Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys: The Big Lie, Issues 1 & 2. There's something fishy happening in Bayport, and it's not whatever the Lobster Shack is cooking. We're very excited about this new series, so go to your local comic shop and check it out! Like what you hear? We'd love for you to subscribe and leave us a review! For updates on all things GACND, follow us on Twitter @getacluepodcast and Facebook at! And last, but certainly not least... Got a clue for a future episode or just wanna chat? Shoot us an email at!