3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 20: Debbie Stoller on frenzied female fandom, fighting for freedom, and fourth-wave feminism



  Do you remember Chapter 4 of 3 Books with Sarah Ramsey? She introduced me to BUST Magazine, the largest feminist magazine in the world, and waxed on about how BUST had incredible book recommendations… Well, they sure have a lot more than that. I picked up a copy of BUST and was blown away by the urgency, voice, and community. I also wasn’t surprised to see The New York Times and Fast Company both profile BUST over the past few months. So I trucked down to Brooklyn to see if we could learn what’s behind the curtain. I’m so delighted to introduce you to my next guest on 3 Books — founder of BUST, Master’s and PhD graduate of Yale University with thesis in the psychology of women, and rampant feminist since age six … The one and only Debbie Stoller. In addition to her three most formative books, Debbie shares her inspiration behind BUST and how pop culture influences societal views and laws. Debbie has taken the powerful influence culture has on society by turning cultural narratives on their heads, striving t