3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 19: Chip Wilson on living large, launching Lululemon, and leaving a legacy



Our next guest is the first billionaire entrepreneur of a global brand we’ve had on 3 Books. We fly over to Vancouver to talk with the founder and former CEO of Lululemon, Chip Wilson. Chip founded the company Westbeach, a snowboard, ski, and apparel company, which he eventually sold in 1997. Then one day while flipping through the paper, he came upon a piece of fascinating information… There are now more woman than men graduating from colleges and universities. Then he got all prophetic. “Women will have more money! They’re gonna want to live downtown! They’re going to want clothing that fits their lifestyle!” So he launched this brand called Lululemon. The first store was opened in 2000 in the Kitsilano neighborhood of Vancouver. Chip served as the company’s CEO for six years before transitioning to Chief Product Designer. These days, although Chip is technically “retired,” he’s still doing so much. He’s raising five boys. He founded the Imagine1Day foundation with his wife to work on improving education in