3 Books With Neil Pasricha

Chapter 9: Dave Barry on snappy satire, secret societies, and singing with Stephen King



Do you remember the comedy dry zone? I’m talking about the barren, hardscrabble times when getting a free laugh from the comfort of your toilet wasn’t easy. Before Internet memes, before parody Twitter themes, before viral SNL skits, before ShowerThoughts subreddits, before LOLCats and even before giant email chats… … there was one man. The inimitable, indomitable, indefatigable Dave Barry. Beginning in 1983 and running for over twenty years, Dave Barry sent his syndicated humor column out to over 500 newspapers from his home base at The Miami Herald. Every single week his columns offered guaranteed laughs and a fresh, head-tilting way of seeing the world. Dave Barry poured perspective on political conventions, kicked socialites off soapboxes, cajoled critics into colonoscopies, and even popularized International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Together with MAD Magazines and Calvin and Hobbes cartoons, Dave Barry columns gave me and millions of others a drink … in the dry zone. I was beyond nervous to fly down to M