Helloo Sunshine!

Neel Shah: The adventure of owning who I really am



Welcome to the Helloo Sunshine! podcast, where I share real, honest portraits of people by exploring their inner journeys of becoming who they are. In this episode, I speak with Neel Shah, who leads a fantastic sports management program in Mumbai (GISB). Neel is committed to self-development and brings that into everything he does. Neel shares the angst of not owning who he really was and being driven to look cool while growing up. He talks about the excitement of finally exploring his Indian identity, and the challenges and loneliness he faced when he moved to India. When he hit rock bottom, he started letting go of control and listening to his heart, which brought teachers and experiences that changed his life and brought him back to his essence. In the last part of the interview, we explore his current struggle of balancing the driven, achieving part of him with the part that wants to slow down and be playful and connected. [01:08] Angst from disowning who I was, wanting to be cool and accepted [18:3