Unholy Mofos

Episode 195: Bride of Frankenstein and Creature From the Black Lagoon



Back to the very old days we go, back to Universal Monsters. First off, we turn to the monster and the doctor with The Bride of Frankenstein and then off to the Amazon to visit the Creature From the Black Lagoon. But of course a jam packed opening, with a tie in our tournament, the Bermuda Triangle, could football be in trouble, movies John Carpenter almost made and a kinda short What We've Been Watching even from Jake (remember when his used to be long the first half of the year? That was nice, for him at least). Music Wage War - Alive Hail Sagan - Haterbait Iced Earth - Frankenstein Next time around we go a little further in time to the late 90s and early 2000s for a couple of spooky supernatural thrillers known as Stir of Echoes and Session 9.