Unholy Mofos

Episode 191 Paul and The Watch



At the beginning of the year we talked about scary alien abductions. Well let's talk about aliens again but now we need laughs more than ever so they're funny aliens, one having the voice of Seth Rogen in fact. After some alien conspiracy theories, more laundry lists of what we've been watching, the subjects are Paul with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and The Watch with Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn and Jonah Hill. Music: Eazy E - Boyz in the Hood Upon a Burning Body - Living For the Weekend Son of Dork - We're Not Alone Corey Taylor - CMFT Must Be Stopped Next time around, we've got a double feature of George A Romero and Stephen King anthologies. That's right, Creepshow 1 & 2 are the subjects.