Brits In The Wood Podcast

46: Peter Bowes - The News Correspondent who has Mastered Aging



Our guest this week is the well known journalist and broadcaster Peter Bowes. He is seen and heard regularly on BBC television, radio and digital services breaking all the biggest news stories from the United States to the rest of the world. As far as broadcast journalists go, Peter is at the top of his game. He has covered everything from the Michael Jackson trial for the BBC to the Lockerbie Pan Am bombing, the Hillsborough football disaster and the Cleveland Child Abuse scandals. However, ever since training as a biologist in his youth, Peter has been fascinated by lifestyles and science-based regimes that promote healthy aging. His weekly podcast ‘Live Long and Master Aging’ (LLAMA) explores the science and stories behind human longevity. In it he chats to world-renowned scientists, future thinkers and biohackers, all of whom have a common goal of figuring out how to live longer and healthier. Basically when he’s not reporting on Trump or interviewing Cher, Desmond Tutu or Tom Cruise, he likes to talk a l