Pub Talk Tv

The Revision Episode



In this episode of PubTalkTV, we focus on one scary (but necessary!) part of the creation process: revision! With special guest Alison Weiss, editor at Skyhorse, we delve into the best—and worst—ways to revise, and what do to if your revisions don’t go as planned—your beta readers lead you astray—or you come up with a brilliant idea AFTER you’ve submitted your work. Panelists include authors Summer Heacock and Kelsey Macke, agents Monica Odom, Jessica Sinsheimer, and Roseanne Wells—and Senior Token Male Correspondent Ted Fox. On the Twitter stream, sharing delicious treats, our very own Veronica Bartles. Music by Brian Schwartz. In this episode, we answer the following questions (plus many more!): Where did you get your best beta readers, and how did you choose which suggestions to implement as you revise? When can you trust them? What if their advice is off the mark? (For the panel): What kind of books are you looking for RIGHT NOW? What do you do if you’re out on submission and get great feedback th