Amaliah Voices

TWO SENSE | The Politics of Pockets, Why Your 20's Don't Define You + The Limiting Nature of Labels



This week, Sara, Selina and Nafisa sit down for another 'Overrated/Underrated' session, and it works like this - the girls are challenged to each bring two subjects they'd like to unpack and debate as being either overrated or underrated and then leave it for public scrutiny! Even the most mundane of topics sometimes give way to often layered and useful perspectives... - This episode, we find out that literally EVERYTHING is deep and meaningful as Nafisa unveils the politics of clothing pockets. We also talk about why you're 20's aren't the defining decade in your life and why labelling yourself can be detrimental to the story you tell yourself, of yourself...check out the article over on - If you enjoyed this episode and want to support our production visit