Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

84: Surrendering Scarcity



Tune in to learn a quick and powerful alchemy process to surrender scarcity mindset. I coach you through each step to break out of survival mode and move into programming and attuning to your Abundance. Grab a journal and a pen to take notes and work through this mini coaching session! You deserve all you desire and now in this exact moment is the time to take your power back and break up with doubts for good. If you have ever felt like there is just “not enough” love money or more…then this is for you. If you have been through hardships, loss and traumas…then this is for you. If you experience anxiety or feel lost or disconnected from yourself or others…then this is for you. Please remember no matter what you may be moving through or healing from the past, you are deeply loved and never alone. Namaste~ Jess **Want to dive deeper and move to your mountain of abundance  join The Healer’s Academy or Find Your $ Flow program! Links below! Healer’s Academy -> Find Your