Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

Violet Flame Of Ascension Meditation



Ascended Healing Meditation and Healing Grid I was asked to share the Violet Flame of Transmutation Meditation and the Ascended Healing Collective Grid with Declaration. I teach Ascension and collective healing in The Healer’s Academy so I took an excerpt out of one of the classes so you can easily integrate at this time. You can immediately download the meditation and ritual grid below. This is a powerful sacred resource to use in your meditation daily to hold space for healing individually and for the collective. Keeping the grid consciously in your space will support your alignment and embodiment of the Crystalline Energy. This will help us all connect and anchor in Divine Light and Love. The Crystalline energy is the energy grid in place for our ascension and connection to God/Source for embodying Divine Love and Divine will into our experiences here on Earth. Collective healing is how we create global and universal impact by investing your energy and sharing that with others as we are all on