Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

74: High Vibe Hydration



Download the High Vibe Hydration by joining my free online library here: Have a ?, leave a comment or email me: High Vibe Hydration is my go-to list to stay in the flow and feel good. Staying hydrated is one of the simplest things we can do for self-care and is somehow one of the most overlooked. Hydration and water have everything to do with energy, manifestation and enjoying healthy relationships. When you are hydrated and connected to the energy of water, everything flows for you. When you are deficient in water and minerals, energy becomes stagnant in your mind, body, chakras, life, work and even relationships. You can feel overwhelmed, sluggish and experience a weakened immune system which makes you susceptible to pick up other people’s energies. Water makes up 60 percent of your body, supports healthy digestion and detoxification processes to keep you looking and feeling good. Tune in for my quick list of ways to stay hydrated and links