600 Second Saga




After 5+ years of being a librarian in a small town in Western Maryland, Moira quit to pursue her dream of writing full-time. In addition to being a wife and mother, and writing shorter pieces (mostly dark fiction, horror, and speculative fiction), Moira is also hard at work on revising her first novel-length manuscript, a full-length women's historical speculative fiction ghost story entitled "Edgewood". You can find out more about her and her writing at moiragillen.com, and there are links to some of her stories currently for sale in anthologies at moiragillen.com/page/links. Additionally, the site has several short "in-progress" or rough-draft stories for casual readers and links to follow her on Twitter @moiragillen for updates on new publications.   600 Second Saga Music is provided by MADS. You can support 600 Second Saga by giving us a 5-star review on iTunes Become a Patron! Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter