600 Second Saga

Locked Eyes



Before she started the Your Brain On Facts podcast as a way to vent the copious factoids from her brain, Moxie LaBouche performed and produced burlesque, specializing in “nerd-lesque,” ie dressing up (then undressing as) beloved fictional characters, everything from Cheetarah to Dracula's assistant Renfield.  It was also her privilege to produce the only George R. R. Martin-approved burlesque tribute tour and even to play for him.  She was a presenter in a local TED talk, talking unsurprisingly about burlesque, and previously earned her living as a goat farmer. 600 Second Saga Music is provided by MADS. You can support 600 Second Saga by giving us a 5-star review on iTunes Become a Patron! Follow me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter