Talking Tea

Two Tea Podcasters Walk Into a Bar...



Earlier this year, TJ Williamson of the World Tea Podcast invited us to join him in leading a session on industry-specific podcasting at Podcamp Toronto. And when the nice folks at Podcamp also gave us the opportunity to record a Talking Tea episode in front of a live audience at Toronto's Imperial Pub,  TJ graciously agreed to join us as a guest on Talking Tea, to chat about the backgrounds of our two podcasts, why we do what we do, and about TJ's work in tea outside of his show. TJ tells us a bit about his own tea journey and some of his experiences working at a Japanese tea farm, and then we respond to one of the questions we received several times after our panel talk: why neither of us include a focus on herbal infusions in our podcasts. TJ's views on herbals are somewhat different from our own, and we chat about our differences as well as our two approaches to tea and tea podcasting. Of course, since we were recording this show in a bar, we had to talk about TJ's line of alcohol-aged teas (shown above),