Multiple Calls Podcast

Multiple Calls - Episode 10 - Rob Senay



Quiet professionals work diligently to help their communities and for the betterment of their departments and members, in firehouses around the world; you just have to seek them out. With 18 ½ years in the fire service, a Captain, and a father of 3, Rob strives to serve and help individuals and teams thrive on and off the job. From coaching hockey and baseball after playing at a high-level in each sport, to instructing in live fire, driving, and mental health education, he continues to learn and pay it forward. He has worked on the Benevolent Committee for 12 years and counting, spent 3 years as a WSIB Rep, a decade on the honour guard and 11 years on the Peer Support Team. His father’s 47 year legacy in the Fire Service is well represented and carried on by both him and his brother.