Rtds / Listen Up Talk

LTSMTAS Vol 32 Feb 5 2015



On today’s show we will discuss: how in the very near future New Smartphones Will Charge in Less Than 2 Minutes, also the serious topic of planning your digital legacy, plus we will talk about recent studies that say smartphones are affecting our #sleep. #‎sleep #‎App #Tech #SocialMedia #LinkThruSocial #Facebook #Podcast #smartphone All of that and much more on Today 3pm & 8pm ET on #‎LTSRadio Listen UP Talk Radio http://talk-radio.ca/showsschedule/paul-wright-link-through-social-media-tech-app-show/ Follow Paul on Twitter at www.Twitter.com/LinkThrusocial, and find him on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LinkThruSocial Find us on Twitter @ListenUpTalk or on Facebook at www.FB.com/ListenUpTalkRadio. Hear “Link Thru Social Media Tech & App Show” with Paul Wright, at 3p & 8p ET every Thursday, but if you miss it, it will be on demand Wednesday, right here or on iTunes podcast here: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/rtds-listen-up-talk/id910538503?mt=2