Cinema Girls

17 // Oscars 2019



Feeling psyched about this years Oscars or are you existentially creeped out? Welcome back to a brand new season of Cinema Girls. We are just scraping across the line in time for Hollywood's night of nights! We talk Roma, The Wife, Vox Lux, Can You Ever Forgive Me, Joan Rivers, The Stepford Wives, The Rider, Don't Worry He Won't Get Far On Foot, Shoplifters, Black Panther, Vice, If Beale St Could Talk, Withnail and I, Spiceworld, Wah-Wah, First Reformed, The Favourite, RBG, Non-Fiction, Capernaum, Cold War, Gay Kid, Fat Chick, Assassination Nation, Karl Lagerfield, SZA, Kenrdick Lamar, She's All That, Never Been Kissed, Bette Midler, Mary Poppins Returns, Three Six Mafia, Mrs Doubtfire, Steve Irwin, Happy Oscars! Thank you to Gussy for Mornings which plays as our theme.