About Podcast: The Podcasts' Podcast

018 Love and Radio



Do we even care about secrets? Join Annie, Alexandra and special lesbian guest Yvonne as we discuss the ephemeral, genre-resistant podcast Love + Radio. We'll be discussing The Secrets Hotline, I & II, divulging our own secrets, unpacking the nature of secrets, secret lesbians, and basically how gross the restaurant industry is, speaking of secret weirdness. You can keep up with us on Twitter @about_podcast or contact us at theaboutpodcastpodcast@gmail.com. Find the original episodes here: The Secrets Hotline Vol I http://loveandradio.org/2017/04/the-secrets-hotline/ The Secrets Hotline Vol II http://loveandradio.org/2017/12/the-secrets-hotline-vol-ii/