Future Bachelor

Episode 168 | "Why Are You Like This?"



Si & Veronica are back with their normal backgrounds for episode 168! Victoria’s Secret is trying to rebrand by announcing new diverse ambassadors in place of their Angels. Carl Nassib has come out, which makes him the first openly gay active NFL player. Taylor Swift’s next re-release is “Red,” so Jake Gyllenhaal better take cover! In unsurprising news, Tristan Thompson is a slimy basketball player once again and Khloe is “done” with him. But who we are really trying to ~keep up~ with is Nick Cannon’s complicated web of babies/baby mamas. Juneteenth was made a federal/national holiday, but Vee went semi “Yikes!” to how that doesn’t change the oppressive voting and education laws in plenty of states. Vee went “Yikes!” and then had her heart warmed by an HBO Max intern sending out a test email to subscribers, that then turned into a Twitter trend of folks confessing their big work mistakes to make the intern feel better. Karl has left the Hyatt, but is Thomas taking over his role as villain? It feels like t