Book Club Shmook Club « Talkbomb

BCSC 46: Jurassic Park Part 2



WB2045.COM IS THE HOME OF BOOK CLUB SHMOOK CLUB! This week on #BCSC we've hit the 100% mark on Jurassic Park, which means we get to close the book and throw it immediately into the fire. Oh, also, we have no choice but to talk about it for you good people. You deserve better than this book. It's a huge conversation though! I think we touch on everything that happens in the book and everything the book gets wrong. The science, the repetitive theorizing about things that don't matter, the oppressive lack of tension. If you want to read a book about dinosaurs rampaging this book isn't for you. If you want to read a book about the science and ethics of cloning, this book isn't for you. If you want to read a book where people think in a very inhuman mathematical way about dangerous situations, with a total lack of action or emotion, this book is all yours. You can keep it! Also at play: #JurassicWorld talk! Theories about future sequels, recaps of past sequels, and Chris Pratt! Hooboy! ENJOY!!! @WB