Book Club Shmook Club « Talkbomb

BCSC: Batman Year One and The Killing Joke



CLICK HERE TO LISTEN BAM!  POW!  ZOWIE!  This time we're talking about two classic Batman comics, Batman: Year One and The Killing joke, and we have a lottt to say...this show's jumbo sized.  We compare the books' styles to each other, touch on the legend of Burt Ward's dong, and talk about the morality of Commissioner Gordon (which my band's name.)  Enjoy and pass along to your fellow batbuds! Then on Thursday, March 20th we'll be back to Harry Potter talking about the first half of The Goblet of Fire, so read up through the end of chapter 19 and get ready to join us.  As usual, you can always tweet us @krissypajamas and @willrogers2000 (and follow the brand new @WB2045 Twitter!) or email us at if you've got anything to say about what we've read or what you'd like us to read in the future.  Talk to you later!