Produce Yourself

EP72 - Erik Adams Hollywood Entrepreneur



Erik Adams is a smart Hollywood entrepreneur who knows opportunity when he sees it. After getting laid off from one of the only two jobs he ever had working for someone else in the business, he cohabitated his skills and provided value for a growing problem in film and TV. In addition, he has developed, sold, and produced his own shows and productions, including some with Terence Michael. Now, Erik has a successful and thriving business working on some of Hollywood's biggest productions, as well as pursuing other entrepreneurial endeavors. The podcast takes a sharp left turn half way through and you won't want to miss it. It was completely unexpected, but Erik introduces a world to us that may just change the face of health and diet as we know it. Enter neutrigenomics. Erik is also a major peak performer and hack buff. So there's some great takeaway on how to optimize your process. ***** PLEASE ENGAGE AND SUBSCRIBE Follow and like us on Facebook or Instagram On (desktop or phone)  iTunes  or iHeart Radio or G