Boob Tube!

A Match Made in Heaven (Boob Tube #3.09)



No, not Sarah + Amanda (although that's also a heavenly match), but Netflix + yet another massively entertaining dating show. The streamer's Indian Matchmaking is certainly elevated from the likes of Love is Blind - it's a look at the work of Sima from Mumbai, a powerhouse matchmaker. The show has some dynamite personalities and is a fascinating look at a cultural tradition, the arranged marriage, that most Americans are probably unfamiliar with, but misses an opportunity to interrogate the biases of Sima and her clients. The Emmy nominations also came out last week and while God only knows what the show will actually look like this year, at least it's still fun to talk through the highs and lows. Shows Discussed: The Brokenwood Mysteries, Hannibal, Indian Matchmaking