Boob Tube!

QuaranTV (Boob Tube #3.04)



Well, this episode was a long time coming thanks to a certain Boob Tuber's uploading failure (Amanda, we're talking about Amanda). But the good news — and let's be honest, we could all really use some good news — is that there might be another episode coming sooner than usual, thanks to the enormous amount of staying-inside-and-watching-telly we're both doing. We hope everyone is staying safe and spending almost as much time on calls with friends and family as they are watching TV. And since our business just so happens to be being on a call and discussing TV, we're here to talk about what we're planning to watch while we physically distance and self-isolate, from old favorites to new shows to old ones we never watched. Plus, we have some catching up to do! Shows discussed: The Outsider, High Fidelity, High Maintenance, Love Is Blind and so, so, so many more.