Podcast By Crystal Andrus Morissette

I Don't Know How to Move Forward



On this month's episode, Heather and Marie both called in. Crystal first chatted with Heather, who shared that her mother passed away this past April after being sick, quadriplegic, and dependent on Heather for a long time. Heather feels as though she's struggling to do everything right now — taking care of her four young sons, trying to be there for her dad and family, and meanwhile, on top of a million responsibilities, missing her mom so much. Crystal has Heather tap deeper into her grief and uncovers that deep down; she feels angry at her mom for being sick and accepting her illness — feeling as though she never actively tried to get better. And then, in turn, Heather feels guilty and angry at herself for being angry with her mom. Heather shares that she feels hurt and robbed that she will never have that true unconditional love from a female again, something she cherished with her mom. Crystal helps Heather let go of the stuff that kept her from fully grieving her mother and see that she needs to priori