La Llave

Virgo Season



Virgo season has officially come to an end. Join the compadres as they talk about exciting events during Virgo season. Hear how each compadre celebrated their birthday month. Joelly opens up about her choco-aventuras with her soul hermana Dulce. She also shares with us her next adventure, her blog page and dream of having her own reality show along with Dulce. George talks about beginning his birthday with his new healthy lifestyle.  Tune in as they also discuss the importance of talking to someone when you are feeling down and not so positive, how we shouldn’t allow one mistake to define who we are, and the importance of picking ourselves up when falling. We all grow through difficult situations and trials, it’s part of growing. Hope you enjoy this episode and their special guest, little Abraham.    Remember to get out there and makes your dreams come true. WE BELIEVE IN YOU! You hold your key to success. Follow us through journey!    We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.   If you enjoyed this epis