Doctor Who: Mostly Harmless Cutaway

HHG2W #2 Chameleon Circuit



Finally... A better representation of what we do here at the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse, that is we ineptly try to explain common terms found in the Doctor Who universe that any time tot could probably expertly explain to you in half the time.A chameleon circuit is not quite the easiest thing to explain. By the very nature of the beast it can appear in the guise of many countless different forms, not the least of which is a very famous Trock band.Reaching back in time, we present to you our 2nd entry originally produced July 27, 2006. Look for HHG2W #3 Plastic People to appear on this feed approximately January 30, 2010.References: Doctor Who and the Silurians Story #52 Logopolis Story #115 The Sea Devils Story #62 Warriors of the Deep Story #130 Disclaimer:As this episode was originally produced in 2006 disregard the links mentioned. If you are in any way dissatisfied with our product please shout the words "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Whoverse!" 4 times out your window or front door. We will hear y