Nervous Habits With Ricky Rosen

Nervous Habits - Episode 60: An Alternate History of Silicon Valley with Journalist Max Chafkin



Nervous Habits host Ricky Rosen is joined by journalist and author of The Contrarian: Peter Thiel and Silicon Valley’s Pursuit of Power, Max Chafkin, to explore issues including…. —Some of the most powerful criticisms of billionaire investor and entrepreneur Peter Thiel, and why exactly he is such a polarizing figure, —Peter Thiel’s rivalry with Elon Musk and his mentorship of Mark Zuckerberg, —Peter Thiel’s behind-the-scenes machinations in the 2016 presidential election and his financial support of a half-dozen Senatorial campaigns, and finally… —How Peter Thiel’s anti-establishment mindset has shaped the culture of Silicon Valley over the last two and a half decades.