Opinions May Vary

Episode 409: Pandemic.



(You have no idea how excited I am to use that image that made for us.) It's just Alex and me this week. The last 5 months have been rough. You probably don't need me to go into details. But it's been rough. Many of our past "justice" episodes focus on news and various tidbits from around the comic, TV, and gaming world and it would have been real easy to just dive into that format and discuss all the awful things currently going on throughout those mediums. But we didn't feel like doing that. We wanted to try and be positive. So we went with a different route. This week Alex and I sat down and went through all the various ways we've been keeping ourselves busy over the past 20-ish weeks. From videogames, to TV shows, to thousands upon thousands of plastic building bricks; we've been doing our best to keep calm, occupied, and most importantly: stay healthy. This has without a doubt been one of the strangest and most challenging times of our lives with no real end in sight but we've made it this far so I gues