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Episode 406 with Jason Ginsburg: Celebrating the 10 Year Anniversary of @FakeThemePark!



Sometimes I'll sit here and stare at the screen for what feels like hours just trying to figure out how to word a single sentence so that it doesn't seem like a child wrote it. It usually doesn't end well. Today, I'm trying to figure out a sophisticated way of saying "Making something for a really long time is actually really hard" but the words aren't coming to me. They're in my brain somewhere, but I can't find them...must be because my vacation is almost over. Anyway. You might've noticed we just released an episode last week (which was great, btw. Check it out if you haven't already) and we have another episode for you this week. No, we're not going back to the old weekly schedule. But we figured since this episode and last week's were on the shorter side, we'd just say screw it and make 3 episodes this month. Why not? This week, we have the return of Jason Ginsburg! You might recognize the name from the in 2019 or you might just know him as the creator of the amazing @FakeThemePark. We heard through the