Chatting Up A Storm - Claudia Cragg

2 x Pulitzer Prizewinner James B Steele, The Philadelphia Enquirer et al.



@claudiacragg speaks here for @KGNU with about the updated and expanded edition of his book with Donald L Bartlett, a New York Times No. 1 bestseller -  [Mission Point Press: June 15, 2020]. Long before COVID-19 ravaged the economy, millions of middle-class Americans were struggling with another crisis — stagnant earnings, unaffordable health care and the prospect of an impoverished retirement. In this work, winning reporters Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele explain with human stories and authoritative statistical findings how specific actions by Washington and Wall Street are systematically dismantling the middle class.,  Steele is the co-author of eight previous books, including two New York Times bestsellers and has extensive experience in reporting and writing about the most important issues of our time.  Topics covered include;- Income inequality: How government policies have created the most unequal society in America in 100 years, and why the wealth gap is widening. America’s middle class: How