
The Necrocasticon Volume 4 Chapter 1



The fourth volume of the Necrocasticon opens its first chapter for your pleasure, dear listeners. Tom, Scott, Walt & Liz are shelling out the metal and horror this Volume, peeps & perps! Our panel talks to Ryan Cadaver, lead vocalist of Atlanta GA shock rockers Casket Creatures. And did we mention they've got a new CD coming out? But that's not all. Tom got to chat with actress Katie Burgess from the upcoming feature, THE JURASSIC GAMES. And we couldn't have a new season start off without an epic B Movie review, could we? Enter the Pillars of Fury vs. THEY REMAIN, coming to VOD on May 29th! You want album reviews? We got reviews! Walt tells us about the new Anthrax live album and Tom reduces the latest Breaking Benjamin to Embers. All this, plus Tom and Liz chat about their experience at the 2nd Annual Horror Show With Brian Keene 24 Hour Telethon!