Encounters With The Good People

119 - Are Corgis Faerie Dogs?



When it comes to sightings and encounters with the Black Shuck, Hellhound, Faerie Guard Dogs and Guardian Dogs, there is no shortage of written accounts and descriptions, both from our Ancestors and people in the here and now. I believe I have been in the company of a faerie guardian dog myself, an experience which inspired encounters with the good people into existence, but… when it comes to the faerie origins of the corgi, it’s a little tricky. The belief that the corgi is in fact a Faerie dog, is fond and enduring, but I’ve always felt uncertain, they don’t appear in fairy or folklore collections, there just isn’t enough firm information. And that got me thinking, perhaps that’s just what the good people want: they want us to doubt it... Many corgi owners claim to know or sense it to be true, and wear the connection to Faerie with pride and I have no reason to doubt them. So, let’s look at what we do know and I’ll leave you to decide for yourself, if the Welsh Pembrokeshire corgi, was gifted to us by the