Encounters With The Good People

57 - 3 Clues to Faerie Nature



So, you think you know the Good People?How well do you know them, really?It’s no secret that Encounters with the Good People is on a mission to discover what the Good People think of us. To know what they think, and how they feel about us, we must first get to know them.This is no easy task for the Good People are notoriously elusive and unpredictable.But, there is good news!There is much we can learn of the Good People from their behaviour, their longevity, their affinity with the natural world and, of course, records of their interactions with us.This week, Kitty delves deeper into the nature of the Good People to look at 3 insights to their character and ponders: could understanding the nature of the Good People help us to narrow the space between us?And, could being a little more like the Good People improve the quality of our own lives?*Fancy buying me a coffee?If you enjoy Encounters with the Good People and would like to give me a hand to continue in this work, please consider buying me a ‘coffee’ (I p