Encounters With The Good People

22 - Extreme Acts of Faerie Kindness



Extreme Acts of Faerie KindnessWhat keeps Tinkerbell awake at night?Wee Billy’s lost homework? Or sweet Jane’s knotted piggy-tails? Does all this worry give her worry-wrinkles? Yes, yes and probably not.But, what do the Faerie of Ireland worry about? Do they step in and help wee Billy, or sweet Jane, or are they preoccupied with worrying about deforestation? urban sprawl? or tyrannical leaders?Of course, kindness can take many forms and proportions.We know the Good People often help those who have helped one of their own, a farmer here, a bus-driver there… but is it possible the Good People help their Human neighbours during times of great crisis or chaos?This week, Kitty takes a look at an old story of Faerie lending a helping hand during Irelands darkest days and ponders if this is more common than we ever imagined.Kitty explains why it’s not only okay to believe in Faeries, but how believing will fill your mind and heart with wonder.To read more stories of encounters with the Good People, share your own st